Beat the heat: how to keep cool and still have fun!

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keeping cool this summer


My family lives in central North Carolina. The American South is known  for its heat and humidity, and our home town is certainly no exception.  Just this week, the coolest temperature has been 84 degrees, with almost 100% humidity.  We love to be outdoors, but it’s not very pleasant these days. We’ve had to get a little creative when trying to find entertainment.


1. Buy a big enough kiddie pool you can all fit in!

Who says just because you’re a parent and an adult, you can’t have fun too? And while you may feel a little silly getting in a kiddie pool, your kids are going  to love it, and you’ll cool off. There are a number of inflatable “family pools” on the market. This one is a H2O Go! Lagoon Family Pool from Dollar General. It was $25 and is surprisingly durable and large for the price. There are a number of family sized inflatable pools available at Target, Big Lots and Walmart for $20 to $50. Our pool easily fits my husband and I and both our kids. It’s also deep enough that the water comes up to my ribs when I sit in it.


2. Play in the sprinkler!

We have an agricultural sprinkler we use for watering our vegetable garden, but we also have this:


Banzai Wiggling Water Pillar

My kids love playing in the water and running and turning cartwheels through the sprinkler. It’s a blast and it waters our yard, too 🙂

food snack popcorn movie theater
Photo by Pixabay on

3. Have a movie day

Maybe water play isn’t your thing. Visit a local movie theatre, or rent or buy a few movies and have a movie day at home. Pop popcorn, take turns manning the remote, and enjoy the air conditioning.

architecture bar blur boutique
Photo by Pixabay on

4. Visit a museum

If you live near any museums, visit them when the weather is too hot to be outside. If you have museums within an hour drive, make a day trip of it and make the drive.

woman pouring down a brown paint
Photo by on  

5. Take a class at an art gallery or museum

We have a sizable population of artists in our community, and all sorts of art galleries. Sometimes these galleries offer classes or camps for kids. If you don’t have galleries or artists, check with your local recreation department, or your local library. They often carry a list of summer activities for kids.

blueberries bokeh celebration cold
Photo by Pixabay on

6. Make popsicles.

Did you know you can make your own popsicles? Popsicle molds are inexpensive and you can really get creative with them. You can find them almost anywhere, but we really love this one from Amazon:

popsicle molds.jpg


We’ve put yogurt into our popsicle molds. We’ve put ice cream into our molds. We have even put water mixed with those Crystal Light packs. Then, you just pop them into the freezer for 12 hours and you’ve got yourself some popsicles.

I hope you have enjoyed this list for beating the heat! Stay cool and have fun!

I hope you


4 responses to “Beat the heat: how to keep cool and still have fun!”

  1. Jean Avatar

    Great ideas! I absolutely wilt in the heat and am always on the lookout for ways to keep cool. I don’t have small children, but I just might get *myself* a kiddie pool to cool off in this summer!

    1. adboone5209 Avatar

      You should definitely get a kiddie pool! My kids are irritated that I am in their pool so often 🤣

  2. Jean Avatar

    Angela, after I commented I wanted to Pin this post, but you don’t seem to have a share button for it.

    1. adboone5209 Avatar

      Hmmmm. Try it now. Thanks for letting me know.

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