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Thirty days of Thankfulness: a month-long daily Bible study

I’ve taken a major break from this blog this year: my break has been due to a combination of things: a lack of extra time, s lack of inspiration and a bit of burnout, too. I’ve been trying hard to think about how I want to proceed forward and so far, I’ve come up with what I think is a good direction.

I also remember when I used to do Scripture Sunday, which used to be nothing more than a printable scripture. There wasn’t any true substance to it and there certainly wasn’t any meaning or sharing of God’s word. I felt led to start creating some monthly Bible studies with you all: something we can do at our own pace, without pressure and something we can discuss and share with one another if we led to do so.

I just finished 31 days of Proverbs with some ladies online and I loved it! I’ve decided, since November is “Thanksgiving month” to do a study on what the Bible says about Thankfulness.

I present to you, “30 days of Thankfulness.”

My challenge to myself and to you is this: let’s read one of these verses every day and reflect on these things:

1. Who in this chapter is thankful?

2. For what are they thankful?

3. What meaning does this have in my life?

I would also like to encourage you to journal about the verses and these questions. I have learned so much from journaling about what I read in God’s word.

I am creating a poll on my Facebook page tonight- please weigh in and tell me what you think!!

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