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Organized pantries: a Pinterest Roundup


My pantry is a hot mess right now. I’m almost lost when it comes to deciding how to handle it, which is out of character for me. I did what any self-respecting working mama would do…I hit up Pinterest! The ideas I gathered on Pinterest were so awesome, I knew I had to share with you all.


I was drawn to this picture because this pantry and mine are similarly shaped. I love the baskets and glass, and how the food items are stored and grouped. This makes for a very cohesive look.

Source: Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day

This is a smaller pantry. My pantry is a walk-in, but there are so many ideas from this picture I can use. I love those baskets the fruit is stored in, and I really like those jar labels. This person really made a great use of the space, too. There’s a lot of stuff in this pantry, but it doesn’t look cluttered.

Source- The Container Store

Those matching containers. Those baskets! Those storage bins! The use of space! Do you notice a trend here yet?

Source- HGTV

I like all of the same things about this pantry, but I especially like how this pantry is organized using materials you can find in any store. You wouldn’t have to spend a lot of money to do this, either.


What about this lovely pantry doesn’t say “farmhouse?” I love everything about this. Those labels and wire baskets are super cute!!


Here’s another small spaces pantry. I liked this one because I liked those leather-look tags and aged labels. Aren’t they cute?

They say our Pinterest boards are a good indication of what we want our own home to be like. Based on my Pinterest roundup, it seems my pantry needs a little more organization, a more cohesive look and I need to make better use of the space. Stay tuned: next week I’ll show my pantry…in all of its chaotic, messy glory.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

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